


为邀各路英豪充分准备此次换届选举,董事会扩大会议定于六月五号晚7时在Great Neck House 面向所有会员,公开透明、热情举行, 以帮助大家全面系统地了解董事会的运作机制、现任董事席位的情况构架、公开招募的席位空缺、机会和流程等。GNCA章程要求董事会成员必须是GNCA永久成员。如果您想参加本次选举而还不是GNCA永久成员,请尽快登录GNCA网站(GNCA.org)升级成为GNCA永久成员。


Shuna Luk:

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Wei Ke:

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Mo Chen:

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Dear GNCA Members:
We are pleased to announce that the annual election for GNCA's board of directors will be held at this year’s Summer BBQ Party on June 19, 2016. Six director positions will be open for election this year. If you want to join the board as a director, please contact one of the GNCA Election Committee members listed below before June 12, 2016. The candidates slate and their brief biographies will be sent to all members before the election.  We will hold an open meeting of the board on June 5, 2016 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Great Neck House.  You are cordially invited to attend this meeting to find more about the current board members, the opening positions, and how the board operates.  Under our bylaws, only permanent members of GNCA are eligible to be a member of the board. If you want to join the board and are not a permanent member yet, please log onto GNCA's official website (gnca.org) and upgrade your membership to permanent member.


Other than being a board member, there are many other ways of joining the GNCA management teams, such as being a committee co-chair or an officer.  With your help, GNCA has achieved so much in the past year (e.g. the recognition of the Chinese New Year as an official GN Public Schools Holiday and the preservation of the early drop-off program from the proposed budget cut, just to name a few).  We encourage you to continue contributing to the GNCA family in whichever way you can!    


Shuna Luk:

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Wei Ke:

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Mo Chen:

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Yours truly,

GNCA Board of Directors 


