忙碌的新学年开始,大颈华人协会也将为大家组织各种精彩的活动, 包括教育,文化,娱乐,健康,选举等等方面, 敬请关注我们定期发布的信息。
  • GNCA作为授权组织加入总统志愿者奖项目, 欢迎大家鼓励自己的孩子加入这个项目, 服务社区的同时更获得广泛认可,参与办法和详情请参阅:
  • GNCA将在中秋佳节之际为社区居民献上家好月圆庆中秋的免 费活动。活动内容包括皮影戏,讲传统民间故事,月饼品尝, 各种手工等。918日下午3great neck house不见不散!感谢ViVi bubble teaDONGLU “ANNIE”TENG房地产,新色彩美术学院的支持!
  • 毒品和酒精濫用问题近几年在长岛地区,尤其青少年中越来越严重。 为了帮助大颈华人社区更好地了解毒品和酒精问题的严重性, 以及出现问题时如何利用社区内各项资源,大颈华人协会与COPA Y合作,将于928日晚730Great Neck House 举办一次关于毒品和酒精濫用问题的讲座,欢迎参加。
  • 十月活动预告:选举知识普及讲座, 与十一月大选地方参选人见面会,教育讲座敬请期待!
GNCA September Activities and Events Calendar
  • The Great Neck Chinese Association is a participant with The President's Service Volunteer Awards Program as a Certifying Organization. The President's Service Volunteer Award (PSVA) is the premier volunteer awards program, encouraging citizens to live a life of service through presidential gratitude and national recognition. Recognizing the great work of our student volunteers can deliver a powerful message that encourages others to take action. Please visit http://goo.gl/nVSw8t for more detail.
  • Join the Great Neck Chinese Association for a fun-filled afternoon of activities celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival at Great Neck House on Sunday September 18th from 3pm to 5pm.  FREE activities include award winning shadow puppet show “Tiger Tales" by Chinese Theatre Works, learning about Mid Autumn Festival history and traditions,  retelling of timeless Chinese legends, tasting of authentic Moon Cakes, and making origami and Chinese paper lanterns. Please visit http:// goo.gl/Wxa5ZR for event detail.
  • Substance abuse (including narcotics and alcohol) is a serious social problem in America and is increasingly becoming an issue in Long Island.  Many children and youth have fell victims to substance abuse.  To help the Chinese community in Great Neck to understand the issue and get information about the resources in the community in dealing with substance abuse, GNCA will host a seminar on substance abuse on September 28 at 7:30 PM in Great Neck House.   
    The speaker of the seminar will be Ms. Maria Elisa Cuadra, CEO of COPAY (Community Organization for Parent And Youth).  COPAY is a famous non-profit organization in Great Neck and is very experienced in dealing with substance abuse.  Please see http://goo.gl/Pe8PVI for more details about the topics of the seminar.  The seminar will be completely free and conducted in English
        Great Neck Chinese Association

