大家好, 欢迎阅读本期快讯。
* 12月1日周四晚上7:30大颈华人协会将在Great Neck House举办一场学区委员会候选人的见面会,届时八位参加竞选的候选人都会出席与大家交流互动,让我们对他们有更深入的了解。详情请见http://goo.gl/pi0AXq。本次BOE选举意义重大,希望大家积极参与。候选人的简介请见http://gnca.org/index.php/events/62-bios-for-2016-boe-candidates-2
* 12月5日周一晚上7:00大颈华人协会将在Great Neck House举办一场教育经验交流会。我们邀请了三位非常有经验的家长给我们介绍怎么充分利用学校资源给小孩带来成功。当晚BOE的主席Barbara Berkowitz, 学监Teresa Prendergast也会出席与大家交流。大颈的邻居请不要错过这个机会哟。详情请见http://goo.gl/qoQFNy
*圣诞节即将来临,大颈华人协会再次组织儿童合唱团到社区的老人中心表演。感谢孩子们的热情和爱心,也感谢NYMA对于这个活动一如既往的支持。表演时间如下: 12/3 周六2:30pm - Bristal 老年中心, 12/11 周日1:30pm - Atria Great Neck 老年中心。
* 大颈信息平台中英文双语正式版开始启用。关心身边事,了解社区活动,欢迎大家订阅大颈信息。试用版将于12月底停止使用。同时我们也建立了信息平台的网上论坛便于大家分享讨论各种问题。
* 2017大颈春晚正在紧张的筹备中,春晚宣传片即日出台,售票工作在那之后也会开始。

Thanks for reading this newsletter.  GNCA will continue organizing wonderful events for you in December.

  • BOE Candidates Meet & Greet – GNCA will host a Meet & Greet event at 7:30 pm on December 1 in Great Neck House for Great Neck residents to meet the eight candidates for the special BOE election to be held on December 6. See http://goo.gl/pi0AXq for details. See http://goo.gl/8nPAIt for a brief introduction of the candidates.

  • Education Parent Panel Discussion – GNCA will host a panel discussion featuring three experienced parents on a wide variety of education-related topics, such as how to utilize the resources of the Great Neck School district.  Ms. Barbara Berkowitz, the BOE president, and Dr. Teresa Prendergast, the superintendent of the Great Neck School district, will also attend this event. This event will be held on December 5 between 7 pm and 9:30 pm in Great Neck House.  See http://goo.gl/qoQFNy for details.

  • GNCA will organize two caroling performances at local senior centers this year. One performance will be on December 3 at 2:30 pm at the Bristal Senior Center and the other performance will be on December 11 at 1:30 pm at Atria Great Neck. Thanks to the enthusiasm of our performing children and the support from the New York Music Academy.

  • GNCA’s “Local Info” function is on line now. Please visit http://gnca.org/index.php/local-info for details. You’ll find lots of useful local information there.

  • We are busy preparing for GNCA’s 2017 Chinese New York Gala. The trailer for the Gala will be released and the sale of the tickets for the event will be online soon.