Dear GNCA members & friends,

 welcome to read this month’s newsletter.



1. The 2017-2018 school budget last meeting: Monday, May 8,  7:30 p.m., North High, 35 Polo Rd. (budget discussion only).

The following links are information  related to school budget

 2. The Allenwood Park Civic Association will hold a  forum with all four candidates for the Great Neck Public Schools Board of Education.  This event is open to the entire Great Neck community and will take place promptly at 8:30 pm on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at Great Neck House.


3. The GNPS Budget Vote and Bond Vote and vote for Board of Education Trustees will take place on Tuesday, May 16th from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm at E. M. Baker School and South High School. For BOE candidates' bios please visit:


If you might be away or unable to vote on that day, you can vote by absentee ballot. To obtain an absentee ballot, you must complete the “absentee ballot application”(, and mail or deliver it to the Office of the District Clerk, Great Neck Public Schools, Phipps Administration Building, 345 Lakeville Road, school days, from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm no later than Tuesday, May 9th. You will receive an absentee ballot by mail, which then must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the budget vote.


4. The 8th Annual Asian-American Festival, celebrating the growing diversity in North Hempstead’s population, will be held at North Hempstead Beach Park on 5/20/2017. The celebration is in honor of Asian Heritage Month and includes an array of stage performances highlighted by live music from bands from around the world, as well as various cultural activities. There will be a lively market full of delicious ethnic cuisine from China, India, Japan, Pakistan, and Korea.


1.学区预算的最后一次会议58日星期一 7:30pmNorth High School35 Polo Rd GN讨论2017-2018学年的学区预算请大家尽量出席。地点在北高中. 以下链接是一些学区预算的相关消息:

 初步经费预算 2017-18

 2017-2018 预算细节

 2017-2018 预算会议日历


2.The Allenwood Park Civic Association 将于201759日举行4位学区委员候选人见面会,此见面会欢迎所有大颈公立学区的居民参加。 时间 59日晚上830 地点: Great Neck House

 3. 516日是大颈学区学区预算,发行债券,学区委员改选三项的投票日,此次投票非常重要,关乎大颈学区未来,大家一定要充分行使自己的权利,请及早注册,如果5/16当天不能投票,可以用Absentee ballot提前投票。了解这次参加竞选的学区候选人,请查看


Absentee ballot投票方法:
填写“absentee ballot application”
将填好的申请表邮寄到或者送到the Office of the District Clerk, Great Neck Public Schools, Phipps Administration Building, 345 Lakeville Road, school days。(工作时间9:00 am - 4:00 pm,截至日期Tuesday, May 9th
您会通过邮件收到absentee ballot,请填好并在投票当日下午五点以前寄到或者送到the Office of the District Clerk(地址同上)。


4 8North Hempstead Asian-American Festival(亚洲文化庆祝日)将于5/20日在North Hempstead Beach Park举行。 亚洲文化庆祝日是一个庆祝/弘扬亚洲文化的活动,活动的内容包括来自中国,印度,日本,韩国及巴基斯坦5个国家的精彩表演,特色小吃,趣味手工和文化展览。每年都有将近上万名来自皇后区和纳苏郡的游客参加这个活动。今年是GNCA第二次参加这个活动,我们将为各位游客献上精彩的中国鼓表演和传统舞蹈茉莉花。还会提供颇受小朋友喜爱的面部彩绘。



 GNCA end of year annual BBQ party will be held on 6/11/2017detail information, please refer to GNCA’s email later.

