第一批捐款中有$10,000购买了20箱N95口罩参与Nassau County亚裔协会的捐赠活动,先后分六批捐给长岛的各大医院。另有$5000购买了10箱共10,000个医用口罩用于社区捐赠。剩余款项并入第二批社区防疫捐款。
第二批捐款中有$4,000捐给美国华人医师协会用于购买PPE分发到各个医院。采购了免洗洗手液,防护服等物资,与之前的10箱医用口罩一起分发到社区各essential机构中,包括各警察局,消防局,邮局,Nursing home,为保证社区正常生活继续开业的超市和餐厅,向我们求援的医院和医疗机构等。后续计划定期向LIJ捐赠午餐给第一线的医务工作人员,目前,已经于4月6日,4月10日,4月15日,4月21日,4月24日完成了五次送餐。
Lunch Dilivery to LIJ:
April 24th update:
April 6th update:
March 25th update:
6 hand sanitizers and 210 gowns to Vigilent Fire Station
6 hand sanitizers and 120 gowns to Alert Fire Station
100 N95 and 100 Level 1 masks to Alert and Vigilant each
40 N95 and 50 Level 1 masks to each of the police station: GN Estates, Lake Success, and King's Point Police
March 27th first round donation update:
Here is the first round GNCA Medical Supplies Donation Updates:
Originally, NCAL asked the GNCA to participate in helping purchase containers of surgical masks from China to help Nassau businesses, such as nursing homes, supermarkets, daycare centers, pharmacies, and other local businesses that need to remain open during this time but cannot get their hands on supplies.
The GNCA then collected enough money to support the purchase of 30 containers of surgical masks ($15000 including shipping). We requested to keep 10 containers of masks ($5000) for our local GN community, and are allowing NCAL to distribute the others. Later, they found a local pharmacy who could help order N95 masks for donation to hospitals, so instead of an order of 20 containers ($10000) of surgical masks to help the community, they used the $10000 and ordered 2500 N95 masks($4 each) to donate to the hospitals.
Along with other Chinese associations, they collected around $50,000, and purchased 12,500 N95 masks.
Currently, they have made 6 deliveries:
The first delivery on 3/21/2020 to
NUMC Nassau University Medial Center
2201 Hempstead Turnpike
East Meadow, NY 11554
The second delivery on 3/24/2020 to
Mount Sinai south Nassau
One Healthy Way,
Oceanside NY 11572
The third delivery on 3/26/2020 to NYU Winthrop.
Three more deliveries on 3/27/2020. Including Stony Brook University
Charles Wang Center
100 Nicolls Rd, Stony brook
GNCA has 10 containers of surgical masks, a total of 200 boxes of masks (50/box) from this donation and we will distribute to our own community.
March 20th update:
另外刚刚得知,第一份捐助物资将于今天3月21日通过纳苏郡亚裔事务办公室集合其它亚裔组织捐助1000个3M的KN95口罩和10000个外科口罩给Nassau University Medical Center。后续物资的捐助将继续为大家更新。非常感谢各方的大力协助和支持,疫情期间互相守望,共度难关
第二批纳苏郡多个亚裔组织的联合捐赠物资于3月24日向Mount Sinai South Nassau医院捐赠了10000个一次性医用口罩,1000个3M KN95-9502口罩,物资总值$10,400