大家好, 欢迎阅读本期快讯。


2/7 由大径华人协会联手学区主办的教育讲座:学前教育(Prekindergarten):教学过程和对低龄学前孩子的影响, 具体信息请参考以下网页。



2/11 正月十五元宵佳节,继续我们农历新春的庆祝,大径华人协会将会在GN house举办猜灯谜和丰富多彩的的手工活动以及献上生动的传统节日表演, 具体时间地址如下:1:30pm Lunar New Year Celebration in Library, 我们稍后也会传发活动传单


2/14 星期二情人节,大颈学区将进行债券公投。这个债券的发行直接影响到我们学区今后20年有足够的资金维护校舍和完善教育项目。所以我们大部分孩子上公立学校的家长要积极投票,支持公立教育,保证大颈房产的价值。




Wed, Feb 22, 2017 6:45-8:45pm Shelter Rock Public Library

Mon, Feb 27, 2017 11am-1pm    Mineola Public Library



GNCA just hosted and celebrated another successful Lunar New Year Show in the past January and we are very looking forward to the upcoming exciting events in the new spring month of February


Feb. 7th, UPTC and GNCA will together host an education event talking about prekindergarten specifically. The forum will go through the impact of prekindergarten learning and its approach to teaching and learning.

Please check details on this website



Feb 11th, The fifteenth day of the new year according to Lunar calendar. GNCA will host a special event in Great Neck House including traditional Chinese Performances, Calligraphy, Arts and Crafts, Lantern riddles, Raffles, Photo Booth and More.


Feb 14th, Valentine's day is also the GNPS Board of Education 2017 Bond Issue vote date. The issue of the bond will directly affect how we will build our schools in the district and will also indirectly affect the value of our houses in the area. So please go to vote on Feb 14th.


At last, we would like to remind you that the deadline for submit property tax reduction application is March 1st, and below are the near future dates for related workshop.

Wed, Feb 22, 2017 6:45-8:45pm Shelter Rock Public Library

Mon, Feb 27, 2017 11am-1pm    Mineola Public Library


