大家好, 欢迎阅读本期快讯。


*大颈华人协会的传统项目、一年一度的大颈春晚即将和大家见面了。这次的春节联欢会除了和以往一样着重弘扬中华文化、展示下一代特长之外,也大大提高了语言类节目的时间和个数,希望能给大家献上一台开心的、有意义的演出。春节联欢会时间地点: 2017129 周日 下午330-6点,大颈北高中礼堂 。友情提示:330-4点是签到入场时间,场内会有互动活动;4点正式节目开始,主会场大门将会关闭,4点以后到达的观众请上二楼观看演出。本次联欢会门票已经售罄,考虑到停车和签到的时间,请大家提前到达,等候入场。




*OCA长岛分部和大颈华人协会联合主办的新一期中学生领导力培训现在开始接受报名,欢迎初中8年级生和高中学生踊跃参加。培训时间地点:2017318日周六9am, Great Neck House; 报名截止日期: 2017 36日。本期的免费培训课程一共5小时,期间提供早餐和午餐。活动详情和报名方法请见http://www.ocanational.org/?page=APAYAStudentReg


* 想要熟悉税务申诉流程的居民可以参加由镇政府主办的2017年财产评估申诉讲习班。每期讲习班2个小时,将在以下地点举行:Great Neck Public Library124日星期二上午11; Manhasset Public Library21日星期三下午7; Shelter Rock Public Library21日星期三下午3点和222日下午645分。





GNCA January Newsletter

* The “ARCFE” “New York Wealth” 2017 GNCA Chinese New Year Celebration will be held on Sunday January 29th 2017 at Great Neck North High School. The door opens at 3:30pm, and the show starts at 4pm. The tickets of the much-anticipated show are sold out. Please arrive early to secure your seating.


* GNCA is a participant with the President's Service Volunteer Awards Program as a Certifying Organization. The student volunteers working for the 2017 GNCA Chinese New Year Celebration and any other qualified community service organizations may log their service hours with the PSVA. For detailed instructions, please click http://gnca.org/index.php/newsletter/49-gnca-student-presidential-service-award.


* An Asian Pacific American Youth Leadership Training Program, co-hosted by OCA-Long Island Chapter and GNCA, will be held on Saturday March 18 at 14 Arrandale Avenue, Great Neck, NY. The free program, which is for high school students and 8th graders, will run from 9am to 2pm. Breakfast and lunch will be served. For details about the program and registration, please click http://www.ocanational.org/?page=APAYAStudentReg.


* Any Nassau County homeowner who disagrees with the new tentative property tax assessment can attend one of the 2017 property assessment grievance workshops to help familiarize themselves with the tax grievance process. The 2-hour grievance workshops, co-sponsored by North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Town Councilwoman Anna M. Kaplan and the Ahavat Shalom Synagogue Men’s Committee, are held at the following locations: Great Neck Public Library, Tuesday January 24, 11 am; Manhasset Public Library, Wednesday February 1, 7 pm; Shelter Rock Public Library, Wednesday February 1, 3 pm and February 22, 6:45 pm.


Thank you for reading this newsletter. Happy Lunar New Year!