为邀各路英豪充分准备此次换届选举,董事会扩大会议定于六月五号晚7时在Great Neck House 面向所有会员,公开透明、热情举行, 以帮助大家全面系统地了解董事会的运作机制、现任董事席位的情况构架、公开招募的席位空缺、机会和流程等。GNCA章程要求董事会成员必须是GNCA永久成员。如果您想参加本次选举而还不是GNCA永久成员,请尽快登录GNCA网站(GNCA.org)升级成为GNCA永久成员。
Shuna Luk:
Wei Ke:
Mo Chen:
Dear GNCA Members:
We are pleased to announce that the annual election for GNCA's board of directors will be held at this year’s Summer BBQ Party on June 19, 2016. Six director positions will be open for election this year. If you want to join the board as a director, please contact one of the GNCA Election Committee members listed below before June 12, 2016. The candidates slate and their brief biographies will be sent to all members before the election. We will hold an open meeting of the board on June 5, 2016 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Great Neck House. You are cordially invited to attend this meeting to find more about the current board members, the opening positions, and how the board operates. Under our bylaws, only permanent members of GNCA are eligible to be a member of the board. If you want to join the board and are not a permanent member yet, please log onto GNCA's official website (gnca.org) and upgrade your membership to permanent member.
Other than being a board member, there are many other ways of joining the GNCA management teams, such as being a committee co-chair or an officer. With your help, GNCA has achieved so much in the past year (e.g. the recognition of the Chinese New Year as an official GN Public Schools Holiday and the preservation of the early drop-off program from the proposed budget cut, just to name a few). We encourage you to continue contributing to the GNCA family in whichever way you can!
Shuna Luk:
Wei Ke:
Mo Chen:
Yours truly,
GNCA Board of Directors
第7届 Asian-American Festival 将于5月21日在 North Hempstead Beach Park 举行。本次活动的内容包括来自中国,印度,日本,韩国及巴基斯坦5个国家的精彩表演,特色小吃,趣味手工和文化展览。每年都有将近上万名来自皇后区和纳苏郡的游客参加这个活动。阳光明媚的春天正是全家出行的好时机。希望各位千万不要错过这么好的活动。
本次活动由 Town of North Hempstead 主办、由 North Hempstead 附近的民间团体负责策划手工文化展区。今年大颈华人协会将首次加入活动策划,并且在中国展区为小朋友们准备了Face Painting 和手工活动。Face Painting 将由新色彩美术学院提供,在这里我们要特别感谢新色彩美术学院对GNCA的大力支持。
此外,我们还需要更多热心人士的帮助。志愿者可以任选一个时间段(11:30-3pm,3-6pm)。工作包括:face painting, 发放tattoo/贴纸, 向游客介绍大颈华人协会/发放宣传品。新色彩美术学院将为志愿者提供免费的face painting 培训。高中生志愿者会获得由大颈华人协会颁发的义工证。
Town of North Hempstead 目前也在征集高中生志愿者。详情请看 https://goo.gl/k8TKpe。有意报名的高中生请联系 Alice Chan。
- Lauren Summa, Building Department Advocate
- Kimberly Corcoran-Galante, the Commissioner (or a representative) of the Department of Services for the Aging,
- Rebecca Miller, Deputy Commissioner present a Project Independence overview
- Chari Biton Senior Mobility Manager
活动协调助理 Assistant:
- Cindy Cardinal, Chief of Staff for the Supervisor,
- Sabereh Samet, Legislative Aide to Councilwoman Anna M. Kaplan,
2016年2月7日正值农历的大年三十,大颈华人协会应邀组织20多个孩子来到Atria Cutter Mill Senior Living Center为那里的老人们送上了一台热闹欢快的表演,与他们一起庆祝中国春节。孩子们演出的节目包括中国鼓、舞蹈、儿童合唱、爵士鼓、琵琶独奏以及钢琴独奏等。他们精彩的表演让老人院里充满了欢笑和掌声。表演结束后,孩子和老人们纷纷合影留念。这次表演是大颈华人协会组织2015年圣诞社区义演之后的第二次慰问演出。活动的成功得益于大颈家长们的鼎力支持。大颈华人协会亦致力于在将来组织更多这样的活动,让我们的孩子展现才艺和为社区服务。